Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ring the alarm... |letter #50|

Dear My Future Husband,
It's my wedding day and I am in the worst condition. I'm nervous. I can't believe I found the love of my life and I'm about to marry you in the next couple hours, maybe minutes. I'm a beautiful mess in a long hugging white gown and generous hair styled modestly; inside my mind is racing. I had been single for so long, I wouldn't know how to act in a marriage, much less get through my wedding day. I can't pull my eyes off my own reflection in the mirror.  A woman stares back, one with mature eyes and a form that screams confidence. This woman could not be me, for inside I feel like a little girl ready to run back to the things I find familiar, to the boys who didn't love me like they should. I'm scared to grow up. I'm numb. It's my wedding day.

There's a knock on the dressing room door signaling my return to reality. I touch up my face and gather my train.  I square my shoulders and quiet my nerves. This was it; my perfect vision sprouted into a tangible vision. I had waited for this my whole life, dreamt about my wedding day since I was a young girl. I greet my mom and sisters at my exit. They flood me with squeaks of enjoyment and squeezes of encouragement. They tell me how beautiful I am and how right this was. Their smiles illuminate and postures display elegance as they walk down the aisle.  I can't see you, it's not my turn yet. I miss you already, I need you by my side.

I start to panic. I grab hold of my dad by my side. I am disconnected within myself. It's my wedding day and I'm letting fear strip my joy. I'm allowing negativity to poison my blessing. My dad starts to walk, the music cues, the melodic tunes brings me back to thoughts of you, thoughts of my wedding day, this special day.  My dad's movements give me strength. I lean on him as it's my last. I loved this man. He taught me how to love you.  My eyes are downcast until I reach the arch. There are so many people gushing at me, few crying. I know them all.  I am lifted with joy. I smile graciously. I still can't see you. I'm counting down the moments and as I count as fast as I can, you appear and my eyes pour into yours and my heart stops.

You are the humanly picture of God's unconditional love and I am almost in tears at the vibrancy of His presence through you. My anxieties and fears are shattered like an image of broken glass. I am confident as I walk towards your sweet spirit.  Your face reads one of pure happiness. Our tears begin to mirror each other's.  I am reminded of our love, our memories, the way you stroke my hair when you tell me you love me. Yet it was more, I could not shake the power of Our Creator in this moment, his ordained arrangement called me and you. My wedding day becomes more than just a physical attainment, it's a spiritual divinity. It is perfect, not because of our flaws but because of His imperfections. I forget my fears, they mean nothing anymore. I forget the past loves, they mean nothing anymore. I forget the past me, God set me free.

Not only will I love you, but I was meant to love you for God tells me so. My wedding day is exactly the way it should be and I look forward to that blessed day.


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