Sunday, March 20, 2011

until now... |letter #13|

Dear Class of 2013,

Courtesy of sleepyjeanie 

About five minutes ago, I felt inspired to speak up.  These past two years here in Atlanta has been a whirlwind as I soared through the excitement of being fresh into college, meeting dozens of new people a week, and figuring out myself and what I want out of this life.  Friends have come and gone, opportunities arisen and passed, and time still put up a fight of whipping us by.  In seconds, we will be soon graduating and moving on unto the next phrase of our lives.  In only a short matter of time. 

When that time comes up, will I have felt as if I have cheated my time here at Spelman?  Students have matriculated through school with their minds set only on earning that four year degree.  They will do whatever it takes to get to end of the road and on to the next chapter.  Life becomes a ticking clock as they count down the days instead of making their days count.  Some have become self-focused.  The stimulations around them soon provoke no response of concern or interest.  They linger in the shadows disconnected to the world around them.

napoleonic wars
Courtesy of Jane Ranham

As a class, we are great. We carry an undeniable amount of talent, dreams, and future that can one day change the world.  Coming from areas across the world, we are a representation of hope for those in our lives.  Somehow, we found each other here, in the urban parts of Atlanta, Georgia.  Paths intertwined, we have a mission and a movement.  Each of us has our part in order to create this dream into reality. 

My confession is that I have been guilty of hiding. I was the person who became so self-focused that I failed to engage in the motions around me the way I should.  I failed to get to know you.  I failed to share myself with you.  I failed to show you what I can offer.  I failed to serve our purpose.  I failed to act and participate in our big picture.  I failed to make my mark. 

under sky
Courtesy of Victor Bezrukov

Until now. Not only do I owe it to you, but I owe it to myself. The time is now. 
