Tuesday, October 22, 2013

i love God... |letter #81|

Dear Frustrations, 

Often times I think I need to have my emotions in check.  Why am I crying over something that I know action can be taken towards?  Why do I have such little faith?  I am ashamed.  I consider myself a baby. This week I've been going through much that I've been upset about; I'm not going to my first homecoming as a Spelman Alumna, I'm getting ready to take graduate midterms, and I feel frustrated about little insignificant yet means something to me things.  I didn't even want to go to God with all of my feelings because I believed He would look at me the same way I looked at myself.  He would tell me, "Stephanie, you know better." Well, I was wrong...

A letter from God Almighty:

Release your feelings to Me daughter.  Cry out your frustrations to Me.  Run to Me with what upsets you. Don't hide your anger from Me.  I know all about loss and "missing out" from relationships and moments spent with those you love.  I chase after an unfaithful bride everyday.  I know all about frustration and things going awry.  Look at what happened with My people.  They don't love Me and My children disobey Me. But you know what daughter, I am still God and I still carry on.  I ultimately know the final plan.  I designed it Myself. 

It hurts me when My people turn away from Me but day by day I keep pushing to advance the kingdom in desire to WIN all My people back before judgment day.  I know who will be going to Hell daughter, out of all the lovely people I created on this earth to carry My life and purposes.  I know who will die tomorrow, many of which will not be saved no matter how hard I try.  I can make all of them confess that I am Lord or I can let them choose with the God-given mind I gave them. 

I love them that much to allow them to have sovereignty in their lives knowing they should be bowing down to the one true King.  I allow people to run around like kings in a fallen world and carry on their daily lives as if I don't matter, as if I don't exist. People actually believe that I am not real daughter! Me, their creator and lover. They don't care for me at all no matter how hard I pursue them.

So yes daughter, I know what it is like to carry pain, frustration, anger, and hurt.  I experience it daily from the disobedience of My people.  I am such a good God, a good Father and Shepherd to My people.  All I want to do is love them with all I have and fulfill in them the purpose of their existence, which is to love me and experience My great love in return.  How can I let all that I took time to create just to go down to hell?  I don't want to.  I dread the day by it's a promise that this day is coming and the sentence for all who reject Me is death and eternal life spent in Hell. 

How I wish everyone will come to Me daughter. How I wish everyone will know the truth. How I wish I didn't carry this pain.  

I actually cry for you daughter.  I cry when you cry.  I assume your burdens so that you can be free.  I watch over you so that you can be safe.  I want the best for you.  I don't want you to be filled with doubt.  I want you to have all that you dreamed off, ones I placed in you in delight.  I love you daughter and I love all My people. 

So when you are upset, come to Me with what you carry and don't assume I won't understand or I'll be mad at you.  I know it's coming so bring it to Me so that you can find solace. 


This was exactly what I needed to read and I figured you would like this too.
