Monday, June 10, 2013

an angry letter to you... |letter #68|

Dear Ugly,

How amusing it is to be so deceived that you no longer need to be told a lie to understand it as truth. Actually, it's not funny. It's sick. It's heartbreaking. It's deadly. It's absolutely disgusting.

Yet, it happens every day. 

  • You are ugly.
  • You are unworthy.
  • You are hopeless.
  • You will never succeed.
  • You will never be someone.
  • You're such a failure.
  • You aren't good enough.
  • You will not make it.
  • You are unlovable.
  • You always mess it up.
Oh, how pretty these lies are aren't they? Pretty familiar in fact. How many times have we believed these things about ourselves? How long will it take before we realize they aren't true?

I hope you can tell how angry I am even writing this. For a second, I was saying these statements to myself. I was showering myself with these words. I was blaming myself for everything that I did wrong. It was an attack of pure deception and I almost fell for its snare. 

Until I cried out to God. Until I asked for His help. Then something happened. He opened myself to the enemy's trap. He told me the truth instead. 

Because you see, the enemy tells us lies because he knows how powerful we can be if we knew the truth about ourselves. He tells us lies because he doesn't want to fight with you the rest of your life. As long as you are believing the stories he's made up about your life, he has nothing to worry about. You will NEVER tap into the power that is found in Christ. Ever. 

But under Christ, your true story comes alive. Under him:

  1. You are dead to sin; alive unto righteousness. 
  2. You are dead to sickness; alive unto healing.
  3. You are dead to fear; alive unto courage.
  4. You are dead to failure; alive unto success.
  5. You are dead to lack; alive unto abundance.
  6. You are dead to defeat; alive unto victory.
  7. You are dead to grief; alive unto peace.
  8. You are dead to sorrow; alive unto joy.
  9. You are dead to guilt, shame & condemnation; alive unto forgiveness.
  10. You are dead to curse; alive unto blessings.
  11. You are dead to confusion; alive unto purpose. 
  12. You are dead to weakness; alive unto strength.
  13. You are dead to shame; alive unto glory.
  14. You are dead to discouragement; alive unto encouragement.
  15. You are dead to darkness; alive unto light.
  16. You are dead to bondage; alive unto liberty.
  17. You are dead to insecurity; alive unto confidence.
  18. You are dead to pride; alive unto humility.
  19. You are dead to rebellion; alive unto submission.
  20. You are dead to doubt & unbelief; alive unto faith & hope. 

So carry on. Go be great and stop believing all those negative lies about yourself. Give the enemy something to cry about. You've wasted enough tears. 
