Friday, May 27, 2011

ten things i was too afraid to say aloud... |letter #16|

Dear Those in My Past, Present, & Future,

polka dot tea party
Courtesy of Shandi-lee

  1. I struggle to be honest with my true deepest emotions.
  2. I am afraid of relationships.
  3. Being very vulnerable with someone brings me anxiety.
  4. Sometimes I wish I was a medieval princess living in my own world.
  5. I am afraid of disappointing the image that I created for myself.
  6. When I am on stage performing, I feel alive.
  7. Sometimes I think if I don't become a doctor, I won't be successful.
  8. I have in depth conversations with myself like it's normal.
  9. I never show people how much I really need and want them. 
  10. I would rather run away than be taken out of my comfort zone.

wisdom teeth
Courtesy of Jane Rahman
