Tuesday, July 23, 2013

9 days left... |letter #71|

Dear You,

The fear that once accompanied me when I awoke has been replaced with a peaceful confidence in God's plan. I am excited to see what He is brewing in my life. Yesterday was such a fulfilling day, it can only get better from here.

So, I like to start my mornings with devotionals, six different ones to be exact. I can't seem to pick one book because I hate the feeling of missing out on the others. I like to take on a lot at a time. It is almost normal to me. Spiritually, I need more. I seek for the things I don't know. In turn, it helps me build me wisdom.

Well, I have six different messages that I will be focused on today. I invite you to join me too. Why should I be the only one gaining from it? When you have something good, you should share it. When you make someone else happy, you forget that your weren't happy a few seconds ago. 

So here they are:
  1. Be the light of the world, shining bright for all to see so that they know you come from God.
  2. Ask Him to soften your heart so that you can hear Him when He speaks.
  3. Be ready to fight temptation. It's coming, but there is always a way out.
  4. Embrace the kingdom of God on earth and all that He has for you.
  5. Fear, worry, and dread have no place in your heart.
  6. Think only what is good and pleasing, You will become your thoughts eventually. 
Hope this helps you have a good day. You can tell me about it later.
