Dear Those Who Do Not Who I Am,
Here lies my piece inspired by an unknown Haitian poem:
You asked me if I was sure I was from Ayiti
So it seems you carry this mentality
That deep down inside you believe
I do not look like I am from Haiti
Your media coverage
Shows you impoverished
Barefoot and hungry
Seeking food and water in the slums,
It paints the negative of my cultural drums
In a light of despair.
But beautifully
There is more to my country than slums, hunger and poverty
Your idea and concept of me
Is not what I have proven to be,
Accent on my tongue and pride in my eyes,
Yes, I am a product of Ayitis thighs
But still I don't look, sound or act Haitian?
Is it my style of dance that has you in awe?
Have you never seen a Haitian dance kompa before?
Have you never seen passion as raw as mine?
And dark night beauty as culturally fine?
Or is it Haiti’s first black independence that has you so timid?
Don’t let your perception have you so limited.
Look past my face, dark, light or distinct,
Look past my hair, straight, curled or kinked,
Look past your own mentality
But gaze into my heart and you will see,
That my nationality is defined in three letters and that is
I E T!
"I am Haitian not only because I was born mentally in Haiti, but because Haiti was born in me."