Monday, December 12, 2011

ten more things i'm too afraid to say... |letter #28|

Dear Those in My Past, Present, & Future,

  1. Somewhere inside, I want to rebel against my ways. 
  2. I've been looking for something that I found with someone else already. 
  3. I feel like that end time is close and it's hard to feel like it hasn't been a waste of time. 
  4. I'm conflicted on who I should be, who I want to be, and who I am. 
  5. Some part of me wants to live that rich, famous, fast life. 
  6. I'm not a sweet as I used to be for good reason. 
  7. I'm terrified of losing any one of my family members. 
  8. I'm scared of never reaching what I see as success. 
  9. Sometimes I struggle with high self-doubt. 
  10. I can be very pessimistic. 


Courtesy of We Heart It