Monday, August 27, 2012

a big of something happy... |letter #48|

Dear Me,

I can finally say I have finally reached the level of stability I sought in my spiritual relationship with the Lord and for this, I have the uttermost joy. When I realize how much power the Lord actually has over the outcome of my life, as I essentially realized today, I could not help but lift in spirits KNOWING that my ways will be part of His will. 

Maybe this sounds jumbled to those who are reading. Well, basically, I have been searching for God for a while, I would classify myseld as a lost Christian, whom I simply believe is a person who aims to follow Christ, imperfect and all.  I was so strayed from the path I was to be on and it even confused me on who I was a person.  It's difficult to be truly happy when inside you feel so not together. I mean, no, I didn't have this radical moment in life where I dropped to my knees in a earnest plea to the heavens to spare my life (although I don't object to that).  I simply sought him through His word and prayer, and He met me.

To be even more plain, I was reading the Bible of my smartphone, so no need to get fancy with the big ol' Book if you don't have one.  I was literally reading Genesis 1, the beginning, when God made everything as we know it today. The sky, the heavens, the sun, light, the seas, the lands we live on, and I thought, I mean I know this. But it was different this time when I read something that I already knew. I realized then, how absolutely ridiculous it was to resist FULLY trust in God with my own life when he created all the world.  I had some serious trust issues when it came to God. I didn't think He is really going to take me when I need to go. I could trust an airplane to deliver me safely but I could not trust the Creator of the Universe to control the outcomes of my life.

Until today... 

I mean God works like that sometimes. But, you just need to want to be helped in return. I know some of you don't believe in God, and that's great, but at the end of the day, you don't need to believe in Him to experience Him. That's clear. Regardless, I hope that you found your happiness just as I found mine because this is a joy that can and will not be stripped away by mere man. 


Courtesy of We Heart It