Dear Sister,
I'm not going to want to remember the day you leave in a couple of days. Instead, my innocent and naive mind wants to reflect on the past filled with pleasant and giddy memories. I remember it was eighth grade when you refused to be my friend because you thought I was too "white" for a black girl. Our very first conversation that year became the last one that year. I remember our first sleepover after driving down from Georgia with your parents. I was shocked that you had even let me in that sacred room of yours. I like to think about the time I broke every speed limit across town trying to get you home before curfew. Dang, I didn't know how need for speed i could get. I remember when you tried to record a solo piece after Maxwell's "Pretty Wings." I never laughed so hard at you in my life. Remember when we both were in love at the same time? Those guys were the very reason why become friends in the first place. We were hopeless romantics. We wrote love letters to them, dreamed about them, and wrote about them. Too bad, we still love those idiots.
I don't know how to feel about you leaving school because I honestly never saw myself being here without you. Here we are, sisters on this journey together, and then you hit me with the dreading words, "I'm not ever coming back here." You aren't leaving Spelman, Atlanta, the AUC, the community, your coworkers, your peers, your friends, you are leaving me.
I realize now how much I depended on you to live here. You were one of the reasons I laughed until I cried, made good friends, lost bad friends, took risks, pushed myself one more level, shared secrets, gained secrets, followed my heart, developed an opinion, spoke my mind, unleashed emotions, tackled stress, and learned to love myself. I went through some of my significant moments in my life with you right by my side. But I realize now that we both need to form into a greater us without each other. This is our time to grow together, but apart.
I promised myself I wouldn't cry when you left, but that's impossible because I'm crying now. I'll stop being selfish now. I'm acting like I'm not gonna call you every free hour I have to tell you stupid stuff like I just cleaned my room for the fifth time that day or I stood behind that one girl we laugh at with the annoying face in the cafeteria again. I mean, come on, people invented Skype for a reason.
There so much that I want to say, but I find my mind blank. I am simply left with the raw emotions of it all. I leave these as my parting words. I know you will go on to do great things with your life. That's undeniable. You are beautiful whether your stubborn brain wants to accept it or not. Listen to your mom, she loves you too much. Don't give up on love cause one guy screwed it up. Be honest with yourself. Embrace your intelligence. Love the life you have been blessed with. Stop putting up a front and let people see your true colors. Promise me you'll be successful. Promise me you'll never change. Find God and yourself. Fight for your dreams. Finally, don't forget why your are the best sister a girl like me would ever dream about.