Saturday, June 18, 2011

love my way #2... |letter #22|

Dear Me,

Today, after spending the majority of the day shopping at an antique furniture store with my mother, I realized two things. Number one, I have a keen eye for elegant interior designing and number two, my mother and I make an excellent team when it comes to making decisions.  

1961 Falconetto

It's been a while since my mom and I really had a mother-daughter date in which we would spend the entire day doing things together.  Not once has that happened since I came home this summer.  I missed her. It's not the same to see her come home every night after a long day of work compared to spending a carefree morning and afternoon with her.  I remember why I could talk to her and how easily I can make her laugh.  I forgot how much she really needs me in making the dire decisions on the look of our sweet home. Thank goodness we left that couch.

1920s dancer

Today, my special moments were illustrated by my mom. Wise words of the day: Sometimes, mothers really do know best.


Courtesy of pennyspitter