Dear Me,
Real girls aren't perfect and perfect girls aren't real.
As confident as I strive to be, I still have weaknesses, insecurities, and doubts. As deadly as it is, as a female, I will still subconsciously compare myself to another female. The first step is admitting it because denial is just as stifling. But the second step is reminding myself how amazing and unique I really am. In the end, there will always be someone who will be better at something than I am. There will always be someone who is smarter, prettier, wiser, and even a better writer. That is simply realistic. However, never should I think that that makes me any less than how talented I am. As cliche as it sounds, no one else in this world is composed of my internal makeup. These thoughts are often triggered by my insatiable desire to be close to perfect at everything that I do.
But like I said before, real girls aren't perfect and perfect girls aren't real.
As confident as I strive to be, I still have weaknesses, insecurities, and doubts. As deadly as it is, as a female, I will still subconsciously compare myself to another female. The first step is admitting it because denial is just as stifling. But the second step is reminding myself how amazing and unique I really am. In the end, there will always be someone who will be better at something than I am. There will always be someone who is smarter, prettier, wiser, and even a better writer. That is simply realistic. However, never should I think that that makes me any less than how talented I am. As cliche as it sounds, no one else in this world is composed of my internal makeup. These thoughts are often triggered by my insatiable desire to be close to perfect at everything that I do.
But like I said before, real girls aren't perfect and perfect girls aren't real.
Courtesy of We Heart It