Wednesday, June 13, 2012

just awkward... |letter #39|

Dear Those Who Might Care,

You ever been in those awkward situations and look at it like, dang, why did I even do this to myself? These often include talking to two friends at a time, knowing something that your best friend doesn't know but finding out through someone else, finding information you have no business even being involved hearing, having too choose sides in the middle of your parents' argument, accidentally sending a very private text to the wrong person and other sticky situations that we all hope not to be caught up with. Well, I'm most likely in the most awkward and sticky predicament at this current moment of my life, and it's pissing me off.  Why?

  • Cause it wasn't my fault.  Okay, don't think I'm putting the blame on someone else. It's just how it happened. I couldn't help that these options came into the picture at the same time and everything just got along. 
  • Because I wanted the situation to stay the same just as it sorted out. I didn't want to give up either option because I wanted them both.
  • I had both options, and now both will disappear in a matter of time. So the situation that I allowed to create will soon dissipate, and I have no say. 
  • Finally, both options conflict to the point that I can't even have either or, cause that would just be... wrong. 

I'm upset because I don't get what I want and this shouldn't have happened anyway.  It's so easy to blame other things, but I can't succumb to play dumb to save my own self.  I need to admit when I've been wrong. 


Courtesy of We Heart It